Turn your FoodTech innovation to reality

About the project

The FoodTech program is part of a European project (co-funded by the EU) and it will span over two years. It is developed collaboratively between SmiLe and GIP Genopole the co-partner in France.


The main purpose of the project is to initiate collaboration between the two partners SmiLe and Genopole with the outcome of learning about the foodtech landscape in the respective countries and to establish a long-term partnership. Furthermore, aims to create collaboratively a 12-week bootcamp program with a focus on food processing technologies, food safety technology, and food waste management technology including companies operating in the intersection of food and life science.

Short description

The foodtech bootcamp program will target foodtech entrepreneurs, who want to accelerate their start-up idea. The FoodTech Bootcamp Program aims to empower FoodTech entrepreneurs with the knowledge, skills, and resources needed to innovate in the food industry, particularly in the realm of sustainable protein production. The foodtech entrepreneurs should be able not only to learn how to successfully walk on the path from idea to market within tailor-made alternative food technology but also about the relevant sets of regulations or relevant business models.



2023-12 – 2025-11


SmiLe Incubator, GIP Genopole

Project Manager

Barbara Klein, SmiLe Incubator
Olivier Tomat, GIP Genopole

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.


Barbara Klein
Project Manager


© 2023 Copyright SmiLe Incubator