Amplio Pharma
Amplio Pharma is a pharmaceutical company that develops proprietary drug products that amplify the efficacy of pharmaceutical treatments in a significant
manner. With its lead candidate, the company intends to double the number of patients benefitting from the 1st line rheumatoid arthritis treatment.

Charlott Brunmark and Karin von Wachenfeldt started their careers as serial entrepreneurs 10 years ago when they founded Truly Translational Sweden AB, a drug development/business development consultancy, followed five years later by Truly Labs AB, an in vitro and in vivo contract research organization. Both companies are alumni from the SmiLe Incubator and the latter today employs 20+ researchers. Marguerite Mensonides, originally born and raised in the Netherlands, started her entrepreneurial career 5 years ago in Houston, Texas, when she founded MPT consultancy, which provided the same services as Truly Translational. All three founders have a strong passion for sustainability and societal responsibility.
Did you know?
The seed for Amplio Pharma was planted at the turn of the century when all 3 founders/inventors worked at Astra Zeneca R&D in Lund.
That in the company’s logo, the letter “a/a” (alpha), the letter “ph/j” (phi), the infinity sign “¥” and the staff/snake of the medical god Aesculapius (the son of Apollo) are all linked together? The mix of the modern and ancient alphabet refers to the value that can be found in new and old know-how, the infinity points to the fact that the value in this mix is endless. And of course, we are fully committed to the development of products that will benefit the health of humankind. The blue color symbolizes the limitless of the sky and the green our commitment to sustainability. This logo was designed by Sara Sällberg (20) a student at LTH (the faculty of engineering at the University of Lund) where she studies industrial design.