Master Suppression Techniques – Inclusive Workplace Cultures
A SmiLe Business School workshop series.
As part of our DI Equality 365 Challenge to increase the amount of female board members among the companies, the AllBright Foundation will host three workshops for our community’s CEO’s and Founders, on creating inclusive and equal workplaces.
The dates of the workshops are:
#1: Meritocracy and Unconscious Bias – May 26th
#2: Master Suppression Techniques – Inclusive Workplace Cultures – September 15th
#3: Strategic work with diversity and inclusion – October 25th
About workshop #2: Master Suppression Techniques – Inclusive Workplace Cultures
Based on science, practical examples and exercises, this workshop explores the most common master suppression techniques. Centering around real-life experiences and every-day cases, this workshop creates an understanding for how master suppression techniques manifest themselves, as we learn about ways of managing and preventing them. In order to create a common knowledge about the consequences of master suppression techniques, the participants have time to discuss, reflect and practice counteracting strategies with one another – creating a common base of knowledge as well as strategies for counteraction.
Content of the workshop:
- What are the most common master suppression techniques?
- What are our experiences of master suppression techniques?
- How do we identify, manage and prevent master suppression techniques at the workplace?
- Creating an inclusive workplace culture
Facilitator: Niklas Uppenberg
Contact us at community@smileincubator.life to sign up.
About facilitator Niklas Uppenberg
Niklas has an educational background within rhetoric, behavioral sciences and strategic communication and is a highly appreciated lecturer with experience from both domestic and international assignments. Before coming to Allbright Niklas worked with different educational projects with a focus on financial literacy and investment knowledge for organizations such as Ung Privatekonomi and the Swedish Stockholders Association.