HealthTech @ Medicon Valley
The Nordics and Medicon Valley feature world-class healthcare and research institutions, highly skilled hardware and software expertise, a thriving game industry and a strong startup scene. To showcase our regional life science, healthcare and digitalisation strongholds, Medicon Valley Alliance (MVA) and Invest in Skåne have joined forces for this HealthTech event and offer you two opportunities to be involved: as a participant, or as a pitching company in one of the ‘HealthTech Challenges’ on the programme. This event is open for all.
Join us and be part of creating tomorrow’s HealthTech solutions!
Date: 21st of October, 2020
Time: 08:30 – 12:30
Hosts: Medicon Valley Alliance and Invest in Skåne
Venue: Online
Cost: Free of charge
Sign up here to attend the event
The deadline for registration is 14 October 2020.
We asked a number of global pharma and healthcare stakeholders to come up with a challenge – a problem or opportunity that exists within their daily business where a HealthTech solution would have a positive impact. They are looking for new HealthTech solutions and stakeholders interested in applying themselves to some of the challenges within the world of pharma and healthcare. Maybe you have an idea how to solve one of these challenges? In that case, you are very welcome to apply to pitch. You’ll find more information about what to include in your pitch application in the description of the HealthTech challenges indicated in the programme below.
The deadline to apply to pitch is now closed, but we are accepting additional pitch applications on a case-by-case basis. Please contact Sarah Lidé if you are interested to apply.
Preliminary programme
Moderator: Sarah Lidé, Senior Strategy & Project Manager, Medicon Valley Alliance
08:30-8:40 Welcome by the organisers
08:40-09:10 Keynote presentation: “Digital health for all – Hype or hope?”
Dr David Brown, Co-founder and Chair of the Board, Healx Ltd
09:10-09:15 Introduction to the three challenges
Selected international stakeholders have identified three challenges to be solved by the HealthTech community. Selected companies will pitch their solutions to these challenges.
09:20-10:10 Challenge by Capio: Moving towards preventive and predictive health
- Introduction by moderator
- Challenge overview by Towa Jexmark, Head of Innovation at Capio, part of Ramsay Santé
- Pitches
- Discussion & Q&A
10:15-11:05 Challenge by BioInnovation Institute & SmiLe Incubator: The rise of digital therapeutics
- Introduction by moderator
- Challenge overview by Markus Herrgård, Chief Technical Officer at BII, and Ebba Fåhraeus, CEO at SmiLe Incubator
- Pitches
- Discussion & Q&A
11:10-12:00 Challenge by Roche: Integrating health-related data
- Introduction by moderator
- Challenge overview by Wilhelm Gatenbeck, Business Innovation Partner at Roche AB
- Pitches
- Discussion & Q&A
12:05 Panel discussion with challenge owners and closing reflections
12:30 End
Important update: It has been recently announced that the TechConnect Europe conference will be postponed till September 2021. The HealthTech event will therefore proceed as a standalone virtual event. For more information, please do not hesitate to contact Sarah Lidé.